Elder Chris Crouse – Daily He Provides
Elder Chris describes how the Apostle Paul was brought before King Agrippa because the Jews saw him worshipping with the Gentiles and then went into the synagogue. The Jews accused him of bringing Gentiles in even though he had honored the law and had not. But in the midst of this trouble as well as many other persecutions the Apostle Paul receives, he had a mighty helper providing for him daily. Elder Chris describes many of these troubles and how the Lord blesses him in each and every instance, providing safety, comfort, encouragement, and showing him the way to His little sheep. Just like the Lord provided in these cases, He also provides blessings to us. Elder Chris reminds us that without the help of the Lord we would have nothing. And while we may face many trials and tribulations beyond our control, we have comfort in knowing we have a mighty God showing us the way.
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