
Elder Chris Crouse – Where Is The Promise Of His Coming?

Peter writes that we will encounter people who ask, “Where is the promise of His coming?” He points out that these individuals are willingly ignorant of what is written in the Word of God, particularly the account of Noah’s flood. When the thoughts and intents of the heart of man were only evil continually, the Lord destroyed that world. In the same way, there will come a day when the Lord Jesus Christ will return, bring an end to this current world, and take us home. God has sustained this world, and it is reserved by His Word until the appointed time of its destruction. Peter reminds us that while we are governed by time, the Lord is not bound by it. He is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any of the elect should perish, but that all whom He has chosen should come to repentance. Elder Chris encourages us to place our confidence in the promise of Christ’s second coming, continue doing God’s will, learn more about Him, and give Him glory.

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