Paul Brown – David and Goliath
With the story of David and Goliath, today’s society can use it during sporting events, etc, to put man above God. But this story is not about man, it is…
With the story of David and Goliath, today’s society can use it during sporting events, etc, to put man above God. But this story is not about man, it is…
Elder Adam turns to 1 Samuel where we read that Samuel delivers a difficult message to king Saul that he had sinned by not wiping out the Amalekites and keeping…
After the ark of God was restored from being captive with the Philistines, the children of Israel began to acknowledge their sin and put away other strange gods. Israel raised…
Elder David points out that not all experiences in life are mountaintop experiences, we also have valley experiences. While we deal with dark things from this broken world, Elder David…
Elder Chris looks at a passage of scripture where Saul is looking to war against David. David, a servant of the Lord, inquires of the Lord on His direction and…
As David escapes, he could not find refuge anywhere in this world to deliver him from the hand of Saul. He didn’t find refuge in his king, his brother-in-law, his…
Elder Chris continues his series on David and looks this week at David’s mistakes. He lets fear guide him and will later reap the consequences of his actions. But Elder…
1 Samuel chapters 19 and 20 we read a great change in David’s life. Saul’s anger towards David in chapter 18 and Elder Chris recaps last weeks sermon on “Saul’s…
Elder Chris preaches on Saul’s attempts to destroy David. The tactics used resemble Satan. Elder Chris points out how we all have Saul’s in our lives. He looks at how…
David and Jonathan loved one another greatly, but Saul hated David. Jonathan was a faithful and true friend to David until his death. Elder Chris brings to mind many Jonathan’s…
Elder Chris continues his series on David and turns to the account of David vs Goliath. He looks at the great faith of David when facing an adversary that no-one…
The spirit of the Lord departed Saul and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him. Evil in this case is an afflicting spirit, which Saul deserved. Elder Chris encourages…