Jamie Arnold – It Is Enough
Brother Jamie Arnold shares the story of Joseph and singles out a portion of scripture in Genesis 45 when Jacob, after seeing what all his son Joseph had done to take care of him and his family during the seven years of famine and having realized he was alive, said “it is enough”. Brother Jamie continues to the story of the Good Samaritan and parallels Joseph to Christ Jesus and his brethren to God’s elect. After Jesus, having taken care of all his people, makes himself manifest unto them, provides them an inn, carries them to it, and provides an innkeeper. And when Jesus, offering himself as an holy sacrifice, perfect, without spot, paid the ultimate price. How thankful we should be that not only has he taken care of his people here while we wait for that glorious day, we are encouraged to know that his death was enough, and that God accepted it in full.
*Please note: A reference is made to the baker of Pharaoh’s house that he is responsible for telling Pharaoh of Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams, this was a mistake as the butler was actually the one responsible for this.
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