Elder Ronald Lawrence – Twelve And Seventy
Elder Ronald examines two groups of people sent out to spread the gospel, known as the twelve apostles and the seventy. There was a season of prayer when choosing the twelve apostles, and Elder Ronald encourages the church to be very prayerful when setting men aside for the offices in the church. These men were going about their business and Jesus said follow me and I will make you fishers of men. He points out that they had to forsake their professions to immediately follow him. He then sends these twelve named apostles out to preach. In contrast, the seventy are anonymous and were sent out ahead of Jesus in pairs to introduce Him. He gave these seventy the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and told them not to rejoice that they were able to cast out unclean spirits, but rather to rejoice that their names were written in Heaven. Elder Ronald proclaims that our citizenship is in Heaven as well and all praise be to God!
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