When a person first visits a Primitive Baptist Church, he or she will notice a simple worship service which consists of congregational singing, prayer and preaching. There will also be an absence of musical instruments, choirs, Sunday Schools and other auxiliary functions, which is in keeping with the pattern of New Testament worship.
The Lord’s Church is under the authority of her husband and head, Jesus Christ, and should be submissive to Him in all things (Ephesians 5:23-25). Therefore, the church should not desire to be like the world (1st Samuel 8:19-20, Romans 12:2) but rather be satisfied with the fatness of the Lord’s house (Psalms 36:8).
The Name Primitive Baptist
The word “Primitive” means original or first of the kind. It is one of many names the church has been called since it was established by Jesus during his earthly ministry (Matthew 16:18). Other names through history have been Christians (Acts 11:26), Donatists, Waldenses, Albigenses, Anabaptists, Novations, Lollards and Baptists.
The name “Primitive” was first used in the early 1830’s when a major division came in the Baptist family. One group advocated a general atonement with salvation by the work of Christ, plus belief of the gospel by the sinner. They came to be known as “ New School” or “Missionary Baptists”. The other group continued holding steadfastly to the doctrine of “Particular Redemption” with salvation entirely by the grace of God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. They came to be known as “Old School” or “Primitive Baptists”. Therefore, the word “Primitive” denotes the desire to maintain the identity of the Lord’s church as he established it and gave it to his disciples.