2017 July Meeting
Lord willing, Little Union will be hosting our Annual July Meeting, beginning on Thursday, July 6th, continuing through Sunday, July 9th. We have invited Elder Mark Quarles to be with us during this meeting. We invite you to attend and worship together with us. We crave the fellowship of like-minded believers, and hope you will come and help us as we attempt to worship the Lord according to the pattern given us in His word.
God permitting we will follow the schedule outlined below:
- Thursday, 7/6: 7:00 PM (no supper)
- Friday, 7/7: 7:00 PM (fish fry at 5:45 PM)
- Saturday, 7/8: 10:30 AM (lunch to follow) – Communion 7:00 PM (supper at 5:45 PM)
- Sunday, 7/9: 10:30 AM (lunch to follow)