Elder Chris Crouse – The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
In Romans 1, the Apostle Paul establishes the theme of the letter to the Church of Rome, that the righteousness of God is found only in the Lord Jesus Christ….
In Romans 1, the Apostle Paul establishes the theme of the letter to the Church of Rome, that the righteousness of God is found only in the Lord Jesus Christ….
Elder Chris preaches on the phrase “all things” found in Ephesians 1 and Romans 8. It is found over 220 times throughout the Bible and must be rightly divided. Sometimes…
Elder Chris points out that the gospel was to the Jew first and also to the Greek. God intended for the Abraham’s blessings to go to the Gentiles also. We…
The Apostle Paul lays out several things for our consideration, that he foreknew, predestinated, called, justified, and glorified us. Brother Tim then points out that if God be for us,…
Romans 8:1 bridges between our depravity and our eternal salvation being secure in Jesus Christ. At the end of Romans 7, the Apostle Paul reflects on the frustration of the…
Elder Chris turns to the conclusion of Romans “For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.” While much theology…
Elder Philip extends on Elder Mark Quarles previous sermon on the preciousness of the word, and considers the application, that it is written for our learning. We learn about Jesus…
Elder Danny asks what scripture we would use to prove why we believe what we believe. He submits that the book of Romans since it is a little Bible within…
Elder Chris turns back to Romans 8 and cautions that God is not working together with the darkness of this world. He explains that Satan took the first shot in…
Elder Chris begins with the warfare that is going on within the child of God. The Apostle Paul explains that when we are born again, there is a part of…
Elder Mark preaches on the basic doctrine of Primitive Baptists, predestination and baptism by immersion. He gives a brief history of the Primitive Baptist and looks closely at predestination, and…
The Lord has blessed us beyond measure, beyond what we deserve. It’s a small token of gratitude to worship Him and serve Him through the life we live, giving glory…