Elder Chris Crouse – Matthew 2
Elder Chris preaches on Matthew 2 where the great silence for 400 years was ended. Miracles and prophecies were coming to pass. Download Audio File
Elder Chris preaches on Matthew 2 where the great silence for 400 years was ended. Miracles and prophecies were coming to pass. Download Audio File
Solomon writes that children are a heritage and a reward. Elder Chris points out that a heritage, or a good name, is incredibly important; and an inheritance of family possessions…
Elder Mark turns to Ephesians 5 where we find that the Lord has ordained an authority structure for the home. The husband is the head of the household and wives…
Elder Mark turns to Genesis where we find the commandment not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The serpent deceived Eve by using the…
Elder Chris helps to Biblically define the latter times mentioned by the Apostle Paul, and examines the departing from the faith taking place. Even though these are challenging times, Elder…
Elder Chris proclaims that God is able to declare Himself to His people, and He has. God has made himself known throughout history with the creation, the works of Jesus…
In 2 Timothy, Paul writes that the scriptures are profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. Elder James preaches on sound doctrine and establishes that the…