Elder Ronald Lawrence – God With Us
In Matthew 1:23, we find the passage “and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us”. Elder Ronald examines God being with us by giving several detailed accounts of God’s providential care in the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Jacob, Joseph, Samson, etc. And he gives a deeper look at the life of Samuel and David, providing overwhelming evidence that without the Lord’s presence, none of these men would have been prosperous. When the Lord moves away, we quickly begin to stray. Elder Ronald reminds us that we need the Lord with us for everything. From our church service itself, to the congregation as a whole, the minister, the individual, our daily lives. Elder Ronald speaks of how the Lord Jesus Christ was with us in the literal sense over two-thousand years ago, how thankful he is that God has been with us during life’s pathway, and encourages us to look forward to the day when God will be with us some sweet day in glory.
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