Book of Bible
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- 1 Timothy
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- 2 Kings
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- 2 Timothy
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Elder Chris Crouse – Back To Bethlehemjudah
Elder Chris revisits where Elimelech did what was right in his own eyes and went to Moab. He should have stayed in Bethlehemjudah, the house of bread. Even…
Elder Chris Crouse – Let Him Glory In The Lord
Elder Chris contemplates 1 Corinthians 30-31. The Greeks thought that philosophy would allow them to arrive at perfect peace. But Paul instructed that God’s salvation is foolishness to…
Elder Chris Crouse – Elimelech’s Decision
In the book of Ruth, Elimelech makes decisions against the will of God that he thought was temporary. He went to what he thought was greener pastures but…
Elder Chris Crouse – Satan’s Devices Part 2
In John 8 we find where the Pharisees were back and forth with Christ tempting him. He told them they would not understand his speech because they could…
Elder Chris Crouse – Serving The Lord
In Psalm 73, Asaph struggles with what the purpose is in continuing to serve the Lord. Satan will often try to tell us it is in vain, but…
Elder Chris Crouse – Satan’s Devices
Paul’s first letter to church at Corinth was about a man in its membership that had his father’s wife and was not dealt with. But his second letter…
Elder Chris Crouse – Holding The Mystery Of The Faith In A Pure Conscience
Elder Chris expands on the office of deacon regarding holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. The mystery is now revealed in that God was…
Elder Chris Crouse – The Arm Of God
In Isaiah 51:5, he speaks of islands as remote, desolate, and poverty stricken places. But even God’s people in these forgotten places are not forgotten by God. Elder…
Elder Chris Crouse – Set Your Affection On Things Above
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Colossians when the church began to embrace the idea that in order to be a good Christian, they must first be a…
Paul Brown – Continue Ye In My Love
Brother Paul brings to mind interactions between the Lord Jesus Christ and his disciples. We find where Christ drew them in close and let them know how much…
Elder Chris Crouse – The Office of Deacon
Paul opens the letter to Philippi differently than other letters. He called out the saints with the bishops and deacons, which tells us what makes up the New…
Elder Chris Crouse – As He Went
We find the phrase “as he went” seven times in the New Testament, all concerning the goings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Elder Chris considers each portion of…
Elder Chris Crouse – Never Leave Thee, Nor Forsake Thee
In Hebrews the Apostle Paul instructs that we are to be content because we are promised He will never leave us nor forsake us. Elder Chris thinks on…
Elder Gail Faries – Seven Statements On The Cross
The crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ was the most important day in the history of this world. Elder Gail looks at seven statements that Christ made on…
Elder Chris Crouse – The Cost of Discipleship
Elder Chris explains that while the gift of salvation is free to us, it cost God everything, the life of His dear son. If we are to be…
Elder Chris Crouse – Adorn The House Of God
Ezra faced things he didn’t intentionally plan for or know about. In the past the Lord had worked through miracles to deliver the children of Israel, but this…
Elder Adam Green – Kingdom Theology
Elder Adam preaches that despite political kings that change on Earth, God’s kingdom still stands. The gates of hell will not prevail against us. He instructs us that…
Elder Will Martin – Work Out Your Own Salvation
Elder Will proclaims that Heaven is given to us without our works. Jesus did all the works necessary to secure our eternal salvation. But Paul charged the church…
Elder Will Martin – And There They Preached The Gospel
Elder Will turns to Acts where we find the origins of the churches at Galatia and there they preached the gospel. He points out that while the gospel…
Elder Adam Green – The Whole Law
The Galatian church was teaching that Christ has done it all, except circumcision was needed for it to apply to you. The Apostle Paul marveled that they had…
Elder Hollis Albritton, Jr – The Spirit That Dwells Within Us
Elder Hollis preaches on being led by the Spirit. To be led by the flesh is death, but to be led by the Spirit is life. He explains…
Elder Adam Green – Why Troublest Thou The Master Any Further?
Jairus came to the Lord asking Him to come heal his daughter, but there came a ruler of the synagogue’s house and said “Thy daughter is dead: why…
Elder Will Martin – Enriched By Him
In Luke’s account of the Savior’s visit to the city called Nain, we find the funeral of a widow’s only son, and the Lord raises the son back…
Elder Will Martin – A Common Denominator
Elder Will considers the beginning of Paul’s Ephesian letter. He considers how we all have a common denominator. The saints are set aside for a holy purpose, and…
Sermons by Elder
2021 Florida Fellowship Meeting 2022 February Meeting 2022 July Meeting 2023 February Meeting 2023 July Meeting Adam Green Ben Winslett Chris Crouse Chris Taylor Danny Parker Danny Wisner David Crawford David Lawrence David Montgomery Hollis Albritton, Jr James Allen James Conley James Isaacs JC Stanaland Joe Holder John Scott Jonathan Cook Lonnie Mozingo Jr Mark Quarles Marty Hoskins Matthew Johnson McNeil Honea Michael Gowens Michael Green Michael Hataway Mike Montgomery Mike Roberts Neil Honea Paul Brown Philip Conley Randy Miller Ray Blanchard Ronald Lawrence Ronnie Loudermilk Silas Ford Tim McCool Tim Montgomery Tom Green Will Martin Win Kuck